Happy Birthday My Love ❤️
Even though miles separate us 🥺
My heart's always right there...
With you 🤭
Celebrating every moment of
I wish I could be there to
Hold you 🤗
Kiss you 😘
And make you feel
Just how much you mean to me 😍
But know that no distance
can ever change how deep
My feelings for you are ❣️.
You bring so much joy
And light into my life 💖
And I’m incredibly grateful
For every memory we’ve made together 🤭
And for all the ones
We have yet to create 💞.
Today 💝,
I’m sending all my love 💌
Hugs 🥰
And sweet thoughts across
the miles to you 😍.
I hope this year brings you
As much happiness and
love as you bring to me 💟.
Enjoy every moment of your day 💘
My Sweetheart ❣️
I'd like to wish you one more time 🤗
A very Happy Birthday Viduni 🤭💖
My Love 💞💌